What Really Happened On January 6th, 2021
Capital Punishment The Movie Description and Details
The current regime’s intent is to silence Americans into fearful submission of the state’s politically accepted narratives and evils. The unlawful treatment of peaceful protesting Americans on January 6th is a classic example.
What really happened on January 6th?
You can see for yourself in the movie:
CAPITOL PUNISHMENT – Everything They Told You About January 6th Is A
This is a feature-length movie produced by Hollywood actor and patriot, Nick Searcy. The cost is $9.99. Invite your friends to your home and have a watch party. You will be SHOCKED at what you don’t know about this event because a lot has been hidden by the media.
Stretch your $9.99! Save the movie link and your password. You can watch it multiple times with other friends!
The War on Truth is a must see!!! It’s the sequel to CAPITOL PUNISHMENT
The Truth About January 6th Documentary
By Current Political Prisonor Jake Lang
J6 Truth Documentaries and How You Can Help
Quick Copy & Pasting link Instructions:
1) Right-click on the link – A table opens
2) Scan down and left-click on “Copy Clean Link”
3) Paste in your emails or website by pressing the “Control key (Cntl key)” and “V” simultaneously.
ONE POSSIBLE SOLUTION – (9 min) Crazy Constitutional Sheriffs Keep Getting in the Way!
See also Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association LINK: CSPOA.ORG
Now Let’s Go After the Wicked Judges via
Petition to Polis to FREE Tina Peters
Julie Kelly’s JANUARY 6 – How Democrats used the Capitol protest to launch a war on terror against the political right is a must read.
Feb 1, 2025 (7 min) Julie Kelly – Friday Night Massacre at DOJ/FBI
Feb 1, 2025 Imprimis: What We Know and What We don’t About Jan 6
Jan 20, 2025 Biden’s midnight pardons are a calculated betrayal of justice & accountability
Jan 15, 2025 – (8 min) – Josh Hawley Shows Our Government’s War on Christians
New movie coming Jan 6, 2025 (3 min) The Eastman Dilemma: Lawfare or Justice
Jan 6, 2025 Here Are The Top 10 Lies Of Liz Cheney & The January 6th Committee
Dec 27, 2024 Jan 6 Political Prisoners Launch Historic $50 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Against DOJ
Ten Key Points of the above 127-page report summarized next:
1) Deleted Evidence Exonerating Trump, J6ers
2) False Communication to Congressional Leaders
3) Failures of the DoD IG Report
4) Pentagon Delayed National Guard Deployment
5) House leadership Delayed National Guard Deployment
6) Intelligence Threat Warnings Ignored
7) Partisan Agenda
8) Selective Presentation of Witness Testimony
9) Failure to Follow House Rules
10) Liz Cheney Should Be Under Criminal Investigation
Stefan Passantino: Liz Cheney’s J6 Crimes & Mission to Destroy Any Lawyer Who Dares Represent Trump
Nov 27, 2024 (10 min) Justice is About to Come For Liz Cheney & the J6 Committee!!!
Journalist Steve Baker gives the other side of the J6 story that has been censored
Nov 13, 2024 – Reporter Pleads Guilty to Jan 6 Charges, Confident of a Pardon From Trump
Oct 15, 2024 Judicial Watch Sues for Details of Army Labeling Right to Life Groups as Terrorists
Here’s a 3 minute movie trailer for The War on Truth
(FREE) The War on Truth Mini Series
(15 min) A Day in the life of Harry Dunn: Part 1 – A Leisurely Pace – The Truth About Jan 6th
(20 min) A Day in the life of Harry Dunn: Part 2 – The Oath Keepers – the Truth About Jan 6th
Government lies on Jan 6th from Scan to 54 min, 39 sec point.
Oct 5, 2023 – Disputed Oath Keepers Trial Testimony Warrants Reversal of Convictions, Attorney Says
Capitol Officer Harry Dunn Exposed – The Truth About Jan 6th
The Truth About Jan 6 – Part 1: David Lazarus
Proof of Perjury – The Truth About Jan 6 – Part 3 – David Lazarus
Jan 7, 2025 Julie Kelly BLOWS Doors Off FBI’s January 6th Pipe Bomb Op ‘COVER UP’
Sept 26, 2024 FBI Claims It Doesn’t Have DNC’s Jan. 6 Pipe bomb Footage
(1 min) Tulsi Gabbard & Innocent Americans are on Domestic Terrorist Watch List
(5 min) KANDKFILM.COM – “KIDNAP AND KILL: An FBI Terror Plot” Documentary!
Sept 16, 2024 (7 min) AG Garland Threatens Political Opponents
(2 min trailer) New movie coming – January 6: The Most Deadliest Day
(1 min) FBI’s attack on Jeff Clark
Impeachment Is Not Enough, Merrick Garland Must Be IMPRISONED
Sept 11, 2024 – Appeals Court Vacates Felony Convictions for a Dozen Jan. 6 Defendants
Lisa Hanson – Tim Walz Made Me a Political Prisoner
Documentary – Now It’s My Turn – So it Never Happens Again – The Lisa Hanson Story
Be sure and see the Censored Science on Covid box under Categories 1 tab to see why thousands died due to censorship of the real science.
June 28, 2024 – Supreme Court rules on Anti-Obstruction Law in Jan. 6 Case
We live at a time right now, where more than any other time in American history, the governmental investigative agencies, especially the FBI and Department of Justice, have been weaponized against the American people. Jesse Binnall, Attorney, Co-lead Legal Defense Team (Reference: SalemNOW movie – Flynn)
(5 min) How some in our government prohibit free speech to promote their agenda for money and power
Go to SALEMNOW and watch the FLYNN movie to undestand what’s happening to the J6ers and Donald Trump
(36 min interview with Lt Gen. Michael Flynn) Exposing The DEEP STATE’s Corrupt Agenda for Power
6-12-2024 Here’s Why Hunter’s Conviction Doesn’t Prove the Justice System Isn’t Weaponized
LINK – Rebecca Lavrenz – A Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother went to Washington DC on Jan 6th to pray and now has exponential legal fees by the godless falsely accusing (liars) running this country. See her website for what she’s being accused of and scan down to see Sherronna Bishop interview Rebecca. Sherronna has her own story of FBI abuse. Her front door was busted in by the FBI and arrested for standing against abuses of children in her public school and for questioning elections. Sherronna’s in the Police State documentary. See Police State movie trailer in the Censored Documentaries box on this website’s front page.
LINK – Sherronna Bishop interviews Rebecca Lavrenz and Micki Witthoeft, mother of Ashli Babbitt who was shot and killed at the Capitol on Jan 6th. The doctor who attempted to render aid to Ashli has now been charged with a crime. (You can hear this at 51min, 30 sec point) You will learn that most Jan 6th political prisoners are former police and military veterans. In Rebecca’s interview (first 33 min) you will learn that her judge instructed the jury to not consider her Constitutional right to freedom of speech. NOTE – American citizens are criminal if they act on their Constitutional Rights – freedom of speech.)
Another Link on Sherronna Bishop – Enough is Enough – Taking a Stand
LINK – Rebecca Lavrenz’s interview with Chaim Goldman
April 23, 2024 – Ray Epps Exposed
See a very brief read of parallel history – LINK – “A Look Back at the Nazi Persecution of the Jews in 1930s” and note the parallels. Key Quote “From 1933 to 1941 Nazis built up a case against the Jews to a point where all the German people hated them and then the Hitler government exterminated them.” As this hatred grew, courage with average Germans to speak up against the lies faded. SILENCE today ensures that American juries are propagandized that Conservatives, Christians and Jews are anti-American and extremists. Fair court decisions are now as likely as fair court decisions once were for Blacks during Jim Crow law days.
(14 min) Real Stories of Jan 6 Defendants
(1 min) New Jan 6 Scandals – Julie Kelly on Destruction of Evidence
(3 min) American college students offer money to kill Jews
1/26/2024 Defame & Punish by Christopher F Rufo
After three years of American Christians in jail for their beliefs, too many ministers are still sinfully silent. If it was their brother, son or father in prison would they have remained silent in their Sunday morning sanctuaries, even if it is a controversal political issue now? Would they have reserved this only to their out-of-sight political action committee?
They will also answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you . . . in prison, and did not help you?’ He will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for the one of the least of these, you did not do for me, then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life. Selections from Matthew 25:44-46 What does this say of Christ’s judgment of ministers who are resistant to speak against political lies and evils while we are fooled as being Christ-pleasing?
Tina Peters, a Christian lady who refused to hide the election crime she accidently discovered in Mesa County by our state secretary, Jena Griswold, is now facing charges. Griswold wants Tina in Federal prison under a rewrite of the script. See [S]electionCode documentary in the Colorado box under the States tab at for what major media is not reporting. Should Christians participate in government? If they find corruption, should they report it? Should the American Church remain silent and leave individual Christians to fight government corruption alone? If they do, why should any Christian participate in government again? Do ministers/priests know that godless elements in our government want to shut churches down again?
Please spread the word on Tina Peters’ legal challenge to other churches. Tina’s trial will be at the Mesa County Justice Center, 125 N Spruce St, Grand Junction, but is now postponed to July 2024.
Want more proof of massive electronic election fraud and other American Christians in jail for their beliefs? See Let My People Go documentary movie trailers in the Censored Documentaries box on the Home page of Let My People Go gives a plan on how Christians can preserve their freedoms. Sheriffs in your congregation should know about this. Godless elements from both major parties have been cheating in our elections. Now is the time to protect all votes.
To remain silent ensures further godless tyranny over churches and Christian persecution as shown in Dinesh D’Souza’s Police State documentary. This movie trailer is also available at Feel free to copy anything from my website to your website or emails on anything I have posted.
- Jerry Kelley, P.E. – Former Technical Consultant to the US Space Force
Dec 31, 2023 – The Real Story of January 6
Jan 5, 2024 Exposing the Injustice of the Jan 6 Prosecution
EPOCH TV – EXCLUSIVE – The Jan 6 Tapes – The Unreleased Capitor Hill Security Video
JANUARY 6th A TRUE TIMELINE (Be sure to select the image to enable audio)
Gutfeld – These Jan 6 Videos Contradict Everything They Told Us
BOOM! The TRUTH Comes Out . . . They wanted to make up a story
The $500,000.00 matching grant is almost reached. Please help by going to
The following pertains to Trump’s “guilty” verdict.
Released Capital Jan 6, 2021 Videos Are Available HERE!
Jan 6th Tapes PROVING NO INSURRECTION, It Was A Hoax, Cops Helped
Latest Reporting – July 9, 2023 – Julie Kelly – J6 & DOJ/FBI Corruption
(4 minutes) FBI Had So Many Paid January 6th Informants They Lost Track of Them
THE REAL STORY OF JAN 6: Documentary | EpochTV (
Why is Ryan Samsel tortured and caged 846 days and counting? Please support Ryan
Jacob Lang saved two lives on January 6th, who were being trampled nearly to death by police who switched tactics from first permitting people into the capital to then forcing them back outside. Unfortunately, one girl died because of police brutality. She was smothered to death by a pile of people on top of her. The media lied and reported it as a drug overdose. Jacob tried but couldn’t save her. Jacob has been in the DC jail for over 3 years and for what? All deserve a speedy trial by an impartial jury per our Constitution and none got this basic right! “From 1933 to 1941 Nazi built up a case against the Jews to a point where all the German people hated them and then the Hitler government exterminated them.” (Ref. A Look Back at the Nazi Persecution of the Jews in the 1930s by Bruce Chadwick, History News Network)
The most important help is to defeat lies with truth. Spread any information under any category from this – my website, fast, far and wide. Copy and paste anything to your own website if you desire. Consider sending signed petitions to judges that Americans are watching to see if they uphold the Constitution or if they are holding to politicized propaganda. Then consider helping with legal expenses. Here is the link to J6’s website:
In the Jake Lang video link above, be sure to see the person who tried to exit but pulled back by the police into a corner and then beaten. Compare what you were told about January 6th. Strange “insurrection” when 99.9% of protestors were not armed with weapons. (Many that were armed and dressed as Trumpt supporters now seem to be the FBI.) Judge this also against the media’s claim of “Mostly peaceful protesters,” while BLM and Antifa burned down minority owned businesses during the summer riots of 2020 — and many of them were freed without fines or prison terms.
Insurrectionists? While some broke laws and we have yet to clearly identify who these were, videos now show that the crowd was provoked by police burtality in multiply ways – 1) By the police’s randomly shooting into the standing crowd. AND 2) The police ignored the crowd’s shouts for help while others were smothering to death under a pile of people at the west entrance police had created. That would provoke any caring human being to react against the police who seemed to show they had no care for American lives. One young lady died from suffocation. That’s when we see some of the most violent exchanges between protestors and the police.
Watch (scan to 4:40 to see) Ray Epps encourage people to go into the Capital, but for some reason he’s not in jail. You can hear members in the crowd immediately chant “NOOOOO! Feds… Feds… Feds…” Who was really behind the Jan 6 insurrection? Why did the Jan 6th Committee not make this testimony public? Where’s Ray Epps now?
Pelosi Caught LYING About January 6th!
See the latest news on the DC Gulag at Ashli Babbitt’s website at: www.4ASHLI.COM by her mother Micki Witthoeft.
Greg Kelly exposes the truth behind Ashli Babbitt’s death
John Strand’s personal Jan 6th story with video evidence
When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong. – Eclesiastes 8:11 (NIV)
Eric Metaxas gives an inside look how J6 political prisoners are
setup with his interview of Dr. Simone Gold and John Strand.
SEE The Dennis Prager Show for May 11, 2023 Listen carefully. Good people are suffering over popular lies that too many Americans let go unchallenged. So you would have stood up against slavery? What are you doing about the popular lies enslaving innocent people today? Link: https://dennisprager.
The Real Story of Jan. 6 from EPOCHTV.COM
Nothing to question about our “righteous and just” Department of Justice:Feds Raid the Home of Former Trump DOJ Official Who Wanted to Investigate Allegations of Voter Fraud › American Greatness (
Dr. Simone Gold had a choice to save a patient’s life or save her own job. Now with no criminal record Dr. Gold was thrown into federal prison on a bogus misdemeanor trespass charge. This is proof no one is safe from the corrupt American judicial system.LINK: Eric Metaxas on Twitter: “WATCH! This is at the heart of all our battles for freedom at this time. It’s a nightmare this can be happening. Please do what you can and please share!
FREE J6 Political Prisoners Rally: Exposing Their Plight, Bringing Truth to Light
True the Vote (TTV) published the 2000 Mules documentary that showed how geo-tracking data and security videos caught Antifa members and others stuffing ballot drop-off boxes enough to swing the 2020 election toward their favorite candidate. They also reported to the FBI information on Konnech CEO, Eugene Yu, enough evidence to cause his arrest. He allegedly stored U.S. poll worker’s information on servers in the People’s Republic of China. Then after 15 months the Washington FBI Headquarter’s office got involved and are now trying to rewrite the script and make TTV into the guilty party.
The FBI made an attempt to recruit Jeremy Brown, U.S. Army Special Forces Master Sergeant (Ret.), to be an informant against fellow Americans for them. He refused and is a Jan 6th political prisoner now. See his full letter at and his website: Home – Jeremy Brown Defense (
BETRAYED by the System: SHOCKING ordeals of a J6 Peaceful Protester
More political prisoner links are in the “The Enemy’s Plans” section of this website
Check out to get updates of unbelievable government corruption and freedoms lost for Americans with the wrong political / religious views.
Dinesh D’Souza on Why Tucker Carlson Stopped Airing Jan 6 Footage
What We Know and What We Don't About Jan 6
What We Know and What We Don’t
About January 6
John Daniel Davidson
Just hours after his inauguration on January 20, President Trump pardoned more than 1,500 people convicted of offenses related to the events of January 6, 2021. He commuted the sentences of fourteen additional people whose cases for a full pardon are still under review.
Earlier that morning, to less fanfare, President Biden had issued “preemptive pardons”—a type of presidential pardon with no historical precedent—to all the members and staff of the House Select Committee on January 6 and to all the U.S. Capitol and D.C. Metropolitan police officers who testified before that committee.
What could better illustrate that what happened at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 has become a political Rorschach test on which Americans remain deeply divided?
Partisans on the Left accept the official narrative of the Democrats and the corporate press, believing that January 6 amounted to an insurrection and a violent attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
Partisans on the Right believe that however bad the events of that day were, the federal government’s reaction has been even worse, amounting to a weaponization of the Department of Justice to criminalize certain political views.
Many ordinary Americans are left wondering what to believe. With those Americans in mind, it is helpful to sift through what we have learned about January 6 over the past four years—and to note the things that we still don’t know.
The official report of the House Select Committee, which runs to more than 800 pages, is too deeply biased to give much help. This was foreordained given the hyper-partisan way the Select Committee was formed. Then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected then-House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s two Republican appointments to the committee—Representatives Jim Jordan and Jim Banks—and instead appointed two virulently anti-Trump Republicans, Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.
The Select Committee’s report, issued in December 2022, omitted important information about January 6 and failed to address many lingering questions about the government’s role and response. Its partisan (and specifically anti-Trump) purpose can be deduced from its recommendations: that the Department of Justice pursue criminal charges against Trump and that Congress bar Trump from ever again holding federal office.
In some instances, the Select Committee showed a blatant disregard for facts. It claimed, for example, that Trump was aware of violence at the Capitol for more than three hours—187 minutes, to be exact—before he took action to intervene. Cheney referred to this as a “supreme dereliction of duty.” But in fact, according to a timeline of events compiled by The New York Times (and corroborated by The Washington Post), no more than 25 minutes passed between the reported breach of the Capitol at 2:13 p.m. and Trump’s first tweet addressing the situation at 2:38 p.m., when he wrote, “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!” About 30 minutes later, Trump again took to Twitter to address the demonstrators: “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order—respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”
More important than the report’s factual errors are the serious questions never investigated by the Select Committee. Why did Democrat congressional leaders turn down repeated offers of National Guard troops to protect the Capitol that day? Why was security so lax outside the Capitol despite expectations of a large demonstration? How many FBI informants and other undercover federal law enforcement officials were in the crowd? What communication did the FBI or FBI informants have with protest organizers ahead of the event? Why wasn’t then-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund told there were federal informants in the crowd? Why did the U.S. Capitol Police open the doors and allow demonstrators into the building? Why did federal law enforcement authorities demand cell phone location data for the thousands of people who were outside the Capitol but broke no laws? Why does the FBI still have no idea who planted the pipe bombs near the headquarters of the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee on the evening of January 5?
Defenders of the official narrative accuse those who ask such questions of being conspiracists. But until those questions are answered, our understanding of January 6—no matter our political leanings—will be incomplete.
Here is what we know happened. On the morning of January 6, 2021, tens of thousands of Trump supporters gathered for a rally on The Ellipse, a park south of the White House, to show support for the President and protest what they believed were irregularities and election fraud that marred the 2020 election. Trump addressed the crowd and then encouraged them to march to the U.S. Capitol to protest “peacefully and patriotically.” Trump never incited the audience or suggested anything other than peaceful demonstrations. Indeed, many of those present at The Ellipse had applied for and been issued permits by the Capitol Police to stage events and host speakers on the U.S. Capitol grounds that day—a common enough occurrence in Washington, D.C.
Before Trump had even finished speaking, a separate and much smaller group had already gathered at the Capitol and breached the first set of outdoor barriers. As the main body of peaceful demonstrators made their way from The Ellipse to the U.S. Capitol grounds, confrontations between this smaller group and Capitol Police were already underway, and eventually a riot ensued. The demonstrators marching toward the Capitol had no way of knowing what was underway while they were still at The Ellipse watching Trump speak. And owing to the size of the Capitol grounds—some 23 acres—it was unclear to many, even upon arriving at the Capitol, what was happening.
Much of what we have learned about this is from more than 40,000 hours of security footage that had been kept under seal by House Democrat leadership and excluded from the Select Committee’s inquiry. This security video was released to Tucker Carlson by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy after Republicans took over the majority in the House in the 2022 midterms. Among other things, it shows clearly that after the chaos had subsided, U.S. Capitol Police were ushering people into the building. One must presume that many of those who entered the Capitol during this period were unaware of the earlier clashes with police and assumed—because police were waving demonstrators along and, in some cases, even escorting them—that they were allowed to be there.
The video released by McCarthy included footage of Jacob Chansley, the “QAnon Shaman” who became the face of the “insurrection” in the media and who was sentenced, in the fall of 2021, to 41 months in federal prison. As many as nine police officers calmly escorted Chansley around the Capitol complex, at several points even checking for unlocked doors for him. They did not try to hinder, let alone apprehend him. It also included footage showing Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who died on January 7, 2021, walking around and apparently healthy on January 6. A month after his death, the Washington, D.C. medical examiner issued a report concluding that Sicknick died of natural causes. To this day, Democrats and the corporate press cite Sicknick’s death as evidence of their narrative, claiming he died due to blunt force trauma to the head with a fire extinguisher. The security footage withheld by the Select Committee clearly indicates that this never happened.
The video also raised questions about who was responsible for failing to provide adequate police protection for the Capitol. That such a relatively small group of rioters managed to breach the Capitol is an indictment of those responsible for providing for its security—namely, Speaker Pelosi and Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser.
Barred from participating in the Select Committee, House Republicans conducted their own probe and released a 140-page report in December 2022. It blamed “leadership and law enforcement failures” for making the Capitol vulnerable and accused former House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving of being “compromised by politics,” coordinating with Pelosi and her staff while leaving Republican lawmakers out of security discussions and planning. The report also claimed that Democratic leaders were concerned about the “optics” of deploying the National Guard in response to the riot in the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter riots during the summer of 2020.
Perhaps most puzzling of all was the Capitol Police Board’s failure to request National Guard assistance prior to January 6, which, according to a separate bipartisan Senate report, meant that “the District of Columbia National Guard was not activated, staged, and prepared to quickly respond to an attack on the Capitol.” This failure stands out in part because Trump himself, in the days leading up to January 6, was adamant that 10,000 National Guard troops be deployed ahead of that day—a fact Cheney concealed by hiding an interview transcript produced by the Select Committee. Trump’s request for troops was not only ignored by Pelosi and Bowser, it was also met with resistance at the Pentagon, which delayed the deployment of the National Guard and then covered it up.
The House Republican report also found that police officers were “under-trained and ill-equipped to protect the Capitol complex. One officer testified to investigators that he went into the fight . . . with nothing but his USCP-issued baseball cap. Even if every USCP officer had been at work that day, their numbers would still have been insufficient to hold off the rioters due to a lack of training and equipment.”
A December 2024 report from the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is also damning on this point. The FBI, which was responsible for canvassing the Capitol grounds for potential security threats or breaches ahead of a major demonstration like the one planned for January 6, failed to do so and gave no reason why. Then-FBI Associate Deputy Director Paul Abbate described the lack of canvassing as a “basic step that was missed” and told the OIG he would have expected a canvassing to have been conducted beforehand through what the FBI calls the issuance of an “intelligence collection product.” Such a product was issued for the January 20 inauguration, but not for January 6.
The OIG report also revealed for the first time that the FBI had 26 confidential human sources, or informants, in the crowd that day. Most of them went on their own initiative, according to the report, and three went into the U.S. Capitol—a crime for which many otherwise law-abiding January 6 defendants were sentenced to lengthy prison terms. Incredibly, one of the FBI informants who entered the Capitol was reimbursed by the FBI for his travel expenses to and from Washington. The idea that the FBI had informants at the Capitol that day was previously denounced as a conspiracy theory.
The disclosure about the 26 informants invites further questions about what other elements of federal law enforcement were present that day and what exactly they were doing. The video released by McCarthy shows that Ray Epps, a man who is suspected of being an FBI informant and who was at the heart of the events of January 6, lied to Congress about his movements. When the Select Committee had him testify in an attempt to clear his name after footage emerged of him urging the crowd to storm the Capitol, Epps told committee members that he never entered the Capitol. He testified that when he texted his nephew at 2:12 p.m. that day, writing that he had “orchestrated the protests at the Capitol,” he was already back at his hotel room. But surveillance footage shows this is not true. Epps remained at the Capitol for half an hour after he sent that text. Members of the committee knew this but never followed up.
The mystery surrounding Epps is in some ways representative of everything we still don’t know about January 6. And to be clear, the reason we do not know is that efforts to get to the truth have been actively thwarted. Until that changes—until we know all the basic facts about that day—Americans will have no reason to be confident that justice has been served.
Kash Patel – Government Gangsters! – Free for now.
LINK: FREE Videos are Now Available!!! (2 hours and 16 minutes running time) YOU WILL NOT FIND A MORE COMPLETE PRESENTATION OF ALL WAYS ELECTIONS ARE STOLEN WITH HOPE AND A PLAN TO STOP THE TYRANNY AND FREE AMERICAN POLITICAL PRISONERS. TO REMAIN IGNORANT, SILENT AND APATHETIC ENSURES TYRANNY GROWS and YOUR VOTES will NEVER count again. To GET the FREE DIGITAL STREAM, select this link, input your email address, select PURCHASE MOVIE, then select DIGITAL COPY FREE, then select the Continue button. (If you still want DVDs, purchase 10 DVDs and get a 50% off discount code.)
(10 min trailer) Let My People Go
(30 min) Eric Metaxas interviewed David Clements – maker of Let My People Go
Redundant Link 2 – for 2000 Mules
More information how to get to 2000 Mules from Dinesh D’Souza
See also and sign up to Dinesh D’Souza for free to see the move for free
See also
It appears that the Salem Media Group has been pressured to stop the distribution of 2000 Mules. If you purchased a DVD, you may now own something that will increase in value over time due to censorship in America. Consider how you can protect your copy and share it with Americans that did not learn of the many ways elections can be stolen. Do not think this only applies to Democrats stealing elections from Republicans. Some Republicans are also stealing elections too. How likely will any such candidate who “won” like this, take your letters of concern seriously? Tyrants will not. This is a bipartisan issue.
What would the Sons of Liberty do? (This dialog appears to really begin at 10:27 mark)
12-12-2023 (56 min) Naomi Wolf Pulls Back Curtain on the Last 3 Years of Chaos. Author of “Facing the Beast“
See Angel Studios – Live Not By Lies
10-22-23 New Movie – Police State
(1 hr) Police State – Police State Premiere – Red Carpet at Trump’s Mar-A-Largo Resort
(1hr 40min) The Great Awakening Documentary
Letter to the AMERICAN CHURCH movie to be released on Feb 8, 2024
(56 min) Screams before Silence
(21 min) Dear Infidels: A Warning to America
The GREATEST LIE EVER SOLD – George Floyd & The Rise of BLM (Or what happens when the Church fails to challenge lies)
(25-min) Sleepwalking into Tyranny: How the FBI Got Weaponized Against ‘Political Enemies’
(14 min) Exposing Government Gangsters That Run The Deep State with Kash Patel
June 3, 2023 – THE GREAT AWAKENING – A Documentary Experience About the State & Fate of America LINK: Please be patient with JP’s 2 minute comedy/advertisement. After this the documentary will start. After seeing this, you will want to give away a free public showing. See how easy this is HERE
(2 min) Deep State Propaganda & Our Fight For Freedom (Scan down to “London Real website” and play that link)
Full interview at this LINK
Doug in Exile brings testimony of an ACLU liberal with evidence of government censorship that is a threat to people of all persusions. The government will take your job away and crush you too if you oppose them with your free speech
Watch 2000 Mules PLUS EXTRA for FREE at LINK:
True the Vote (TTV) published the 2000 Mules documentary that showed how geo-tracking data and security videos caught Antifa members and others stuffing ballot drop-off boxes enough to swing the 2020 election toward their favorite candidate. They also reported to the FBI information on Konnech CEO, Eugene Yu, enough evidence to cause his arrest. He allegedly stored U.S. poll worker’s information on servers in the People’s Republic of China. Then after 15 months the Washington FBI Headquarter’s office got involved and are now trying to rewrite the script and make TTV into the guilty party.
THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI – THE MOVIE (Free until Nov 1, 2022 midnight. Tell Everyone!)
Big drug companies have censored safety data and effective treatments from the public for profits. Lives have been lost and injured. If you think German experiences on Jews were cruel, look at Fauci’s experiments on children in foster homes. Government entities for public safety have now colluded with industry and media for big profits. “1200 Deaths in 90 Days! (from the vaccine) Pfizer Safety Data Released Under Judge FOIA. And It’s Not Good.” Pfizer knew this and censored it from the public. The public must be educated and demand accountability from their representatives. Paul Marik, MD – Chief Scientific Officer & Critical Care Specialists said, “Pfizer knew of over 1,200 deaths in the first two months due to the vaccines.” Go to HOW BAD IS MY BATCH and enter your batch number to find out.
(4 minutes) FBI Had So Many Paid January 6th Informants They Lost Track of Them
THE REAL STORY OF JAN 6: Documentary | EpochTV (
Raid on America: A Special Documentary Report (Free until end of October)
NEW VIDEO! Georgia Election Fraud Report 2020
(21 min) Dear Infidels – A Warning to America
Uncle Tom II is a must see and share if you want to stop the spread of socialism among America’s youth. If you don’t know, it’s worse than you think. (Save your passwords and watch multiple times with others.)
Uncle Tom II is an odyssey depicting the gradual demoralization of America through Marxist infiltration of its institutions. The film explores how this deceptive ideology has torn apart the fabric of society while using black America as its number one tool for its destruction. From Executive Producer Larry Elder and Director Justin Malone, comes the continuation of their highly acclaimed film, Uncle Tom (2020). Uncle Tom II will take the audience deeper into black America’s often eradicated history of honorable men, entrepreneurship, prosperity, faith, and patriotism, to its current perceived state of anger, discontent and victimhood. Uncle Tom II unveils the Marxist strategy of creating false racial tension between Americans, with its ultimate goal of obtaining power, destroying capitalism and replacing God with government. YOU WILL SEE BLM LEADER’S CONFESSION TO MARXISM. (Show me a Marxist who doesn’t fight against God or who doesn’t destroy minority owned businesses in their political power grab.) – 1 hr 57 minutes YOU CAN WATCH FOR FREE NOW. PASS THE WORD WHILE IT’S STILL FREE AT:
Go to SalemNOW – Movies, Events, and More to see The Tragedy of Gender Confusion / How the Left is Stealing Your Church / EXPOSE CNN – The Most Trusted Name in News? / Michelle Obama 2024 – Her Real life Story and Plan for Power / plus others. SalemNow’s Uncle Tom II IS A MUST SEE!!!
(In less than 6 min 11 sec) Ep 340 – Smart People without Wisdom Are Fools
(5 min) Would You Rather Be Colonized by Aztecs or Christians?
Other Intelligent Design Videos
Discovery Institute Intelligent Design
Prager University For free 5-minute videos go to “Shows” tab, then “5-minute videos,” then pick your favorite topic category.
Government Propaganda – Surprising Networks of Collusion – Insider Information – Manufactured Deception – A Prompting to Check Everything NOW BEFORE IT’S BELIEVED – WERE YOU CAUGHT? Scan to 16:45 point to start the video at LINK:
Know any aspiring film directors? Show them
Want to be a content creator, a merchant, an advertiser? Then go to QUX.TV
What Happens after the Department of Education Is Abolished?
March 8, 2025 (12 min) Democrat Politicians ARRESTED for Voter Fraud in Philly
March 5, 2025 (23 min) What’s Coming in the Next 30 Days – Victor Davis Hanson
Feb 20, 2025 – A simple 2-minute civics lesson Americans must remember
Jan 7, 2025 – Press Conferernce – Why America Must Unplug Dominion Voting Systems NOW
Dec 6, 2024 – What The Trump Nominees Have Not Done – And Will Not Do
(6 min) Nov 8, 2024 – General Flynn says they will try to assassinate Trump again
From DerrickEvans4wv on X: Trump is no longer running against Harris. She has been defeated. Trump is running against election fraud.
Nov 7, 2024 – CNN Finally Gets A Lesson on Speaking Truth
Nov 6, 2024 – Kamala Harris Admits That Everything She Said About Trump Was A Lie
Remember Biden & Harris fired thousands of sericemen in the military for not taking the shot, while letting millions of unvaccinated illegals in our country. Remember this on Election Day.
(Oct 25, 2024) Look at the real Kamala Harris for 3-minutes major media hides
(Oct 21, 2024) Kamala just told Christians they should NOT vote for her by Mario Murillo
(Oct 17, 2024) IT’S OVER! Kamala Just BLEW UP Her Campaign!!!
Remember, We’re not voting just for Trump. We’re voting for First Amendment & freedom of speech. We voting for Second Amendment and the right to defend our families. We’re voting for next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We’re voting to continue growth of retirements and reducing inflation. We’re voting to bring our troops home and end foreign conflicts. We’re voting to keep jobs here in America. We’re voting to secure our borders and promote legal immigration. We’re voting to stop freebiees to illegals and stop overlooking veterans and Americans who are in need. We’re voting to ensure parents control what their children learn and not what Maxist’s want taught in our PUBLIC schools. We’re voting for peace in the Middle East and for Israel’s right to exist. We’re voting to stop human/child trafficking. We’re voting to hold bureaucrats accountable to the people. We’re voting to stop the lawfare against people who hold different political views. We’re voting to STOP the FBI from busting in our front doors at 5 am and arresting us for speaking out against local school boards, doing election forensics or fighing against government propaganda. We’re voting for free and fair elections without massive electronic election fraud or phantom voters. We’re voting for freedom. WE ARE NOT VOTING FOR ONE PERSON, BUT THE FUTURE OF AMERICA. (Most of this was borrowed from Kevin Sorbo’s “Why Actor/Director Kevin Sorbo Says He is Not Voting Just for Trump” with additions and modifications)
(27 min) Oct 10, 2024 Election 2024: Your Security Is at Stake (EP 314)
(3 min) Share Kamala’s Song far and wide AND anything on this website
Oct 3, 2024 John Kerry and the Assault on Free Speech
Sept 30, 2024 Texas Congressman Confirms Thousands of Murders, Rapists Enter the Country Illegally
Sept 26, 2o24 Senate Report: USSS Agent In Charge Withheld Threat Info At Trump’s Butler Rally
Sept 18, 2024 More on Trump’s 2nd Assassination Attempt
Sept 16, 2024 Trump & the 1960s Assassinations by Robert W Malone MD, MS
(3 min) To understand JFK’s quote above, listen to President Eisenhower’s warning
July 18, 2024 Dennis Prager on Trump’s Assassination Attempt PLUS other wisdom statements
July 16, 2024 – Eric Metaxas sent the following: “The Left believe Trump is Hitler 2.0 – and we who support him are fascists. Think I’m being dramatic? Look at the cover of The New Republic magazine that was released just days before Trump’s assassination attempt . . .
But it is THEY, the propagantists who craft these images and stores, who are the fascists. And now we see what real fascists do.” – Eric Metaxas.
Fascism per Webster’s New World dictionary is forcible suppression of opposition (The Left gets the gold metal in censoring!), private economic enterprise under centralized governmental control (think of our increasing bureaucracies and who wants to grow big government), and rigid one-party dictatorship. That sums up the Democratic party.
Who’s not thinking? Those who accuse Trump of being “Hitler” take sides with Hamas neo-Nazis.
(2 min) THE EPOCH TIMES – The Assassination Attempt Against Trump
Question: How did the FBI determine shooter acted alone within hours without being able to access his phone?
Question: How did the shooter know he would have a roof access?
Question: Who takes a rifle to a crowded Trump event, even outside “barriers” with people coming and going, with the hope of shooting him in seclusion without some kind of prompting?
Question: How many past Trump events had redundant backup security snipers anywhere posted? Why were two staged on the same roof?
Question: Two redundant security snipers with scopes, dedicated to watching for anomolies, didn’t see would-be assassin before he fired?
Question: Should the FBI really be leading this investigation, considering their faming of the unarmed J6ers that are suppose to be “insurrectionists,” but left no internal Capitol Rotunda damage?
Question: Since a young man is dead, does this prompt anyone to ask more questions of popular narratives or help others ask questions?
July 14, 2024 – 5 REASONS YOU SHOULD BE ANGRY – Mario Murillo
July 13, 2024 The Central premise of the Biden Campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all cost. That rhetoric lead directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination. – J.D. Vance
During a Trump rally in Pennsylvania, an Antifa-affiliated shooter named [Thomas Matthew Crooks] climbed up on top of an unprotected building with a long rifle at a range of less than two football fields from the podium. This was noticed by people in the crowd who attempted to alert Police and Secret Service. Apparently to no effect. Apparently a single shooter. The shooter then had an unencumbered straight line of sight to the President as he was speaking, and took multiple shots before Police snipers (not Secret Service) took out the shooter- but not before he killed one Trump supporter, critically injured two others, and hit President Trump in the ear lobe. – Robert W. Malone MD, MS
July 13, 2024 (3min 43sec) Censorship by Globalists & U.S. Government Tyrants & What You Can Do
July 8, 2024 Global News Round-up: Let Them Eat Bugs
July 3, 2024 (10 min) The Reckoning is Here – Trump’s Military Tribunal Bombshell Rocks America
June 3, 2024 (15 min) JP Reacts – This (Trump’s conviction) Will Backfire on Them
May 30, 2024 (3 min) Heritage’s Legal Expert – Hans von Spakousky reflects on Trump’s verdict today
If the above link doesn’t work, use this one.
More documented examples of NBC lying – Tucker Carlson “This is UNBELIEVABLE”
May 2024 – LEFTIES LOSING IT – Bill Maher shows his media pre-programming, then admits his ignorance.
(See documentary Kill Chain – The Cyber War on America’s Elections. The Russians hacked into VR Systems, who manage poll registration data and disfranchised voters in all parties when the voter IDs had to be confirmed by hand without computers. Very long lines were created outside voting precincts and not all could wait to vote. Why did the FBI only inform Florida officials when they knew other states were also affected in 2016?)
April 18, 2024 – Peter Schweizer – Inside the CCP’s Fentanyl Warfare Strategy to Kill Americans
Nov 21, 2023 – Congratulations America, You’ve Raised A Generation Of Terrorist Sympathizers
March 1, 2024 Warning From Exiled Journalist – The US Is Making a Huge Mistake
Feb 20, 2024 (17 min) Tucker Drops BOMSHELLS in Most SHOCKING Interview EVER! (It’s a very brief overview of the following)
Feb 17, 2024 (1 hr) Tucker Carlson – US Gov Censorship Program Will BLOW Your Mind
Feb 17, 2024 Our Government Is LYING About EVERYTHING!
12-13-2023 (9-min ) Jim Jordan isssues blunt warning of ‘Contempt of Congress’ charge against Hunter Biden with troubling news on the FBI & DOJ.
See Intercessors for America for the latest news (Don’t forget to scan down on their home page)
12/11/2023 (6 min) Trump’s Plans
Trump Attorney, Alina Habba, “We are in deep trouble.”
Released Capital Jan 6, 2021 Videos Are Available Here!
(55 min) David Barton – America’s Christian History
(27 min) David Barton – American Heritage Series, Episode 7 – The Blessings of Liberty
(27 min) David Barton – American Heritage Series, Episode 8 – Is America a Christian Nation
(58 min) David Barton – American History in Black and White (Part 1)
(38 min) David Barton – Divine Influence – God’s Role in American History
(1 hr, 19 min) David Barton – The American Story – The Beginnings (Zechariah 4:10)
(6 min) David Barton – What Was The Faith of The Founding Fathers?
(11 min) David Barton – The Bible’s Influence In America (1 of 5)
(10 min) David Barton – The Bible’s Influence In America (2 of 5)
(10 min) David Barton – The Bible’s Influence In America (3 of 5)
(10 min) David Barton – The Bible’s Influence In America (4 of 5)
(2 min) David Barton – The Bible’s Influence In America (5 of 5)
(3 min) David Barton – Irrelevant Churches
See for more information
(11 min) Bill Federer – A History of Crisis Leading People to God (Part 11)
Here is the truth about January 6th, 2021
and the Politcal Prisonors

New Book!
That Other Jesus
We Don’t Talk About
How we’ll lose our souls & country if we remain silent – 1st Edition. With best from the first, a much better second edition is coming. Don’t buy first edition.
Jearell C. Kelley, P.E.; ESD CPM
What would Jesus’ response be to the socialists’ political power grab with election fraud or to their culture manipulation with critical race theory? Early American ministers not only recognized Christ in the prophets and apostles, but their sermons proclaimed That Other Jesus for the protection of religious liberties that were foundational to all American freedoms. Yes, they had a profound impact on America’s Founding Fathers to fight against British tyranny. These motivational sermons against tyranny have been censored for decades. Did we think our freedoms were forever secure?
That Other Jesus motivates serious rethinking of our spirituality and its application to America’s problems with the family, education, politics and the government’s tyrannical overreach in personal liberties. Today, as massive election fraud evidence grows, many remain disengaged to protect their vote or their freedoms. Thus illegal/tyrannical political power is not fully contested. After Hitler gained full power, the sleeping German Church later regretted their missed opportunities. Is the American Church asleep to their Deitrich Bonhoeffer’s or Christ’s warnings? It’s time for another Great Awakening! Will Christians self-examine, repent and fully obey Christ as revealed in both Old and New Testaments as it pertains to all of life or will state-induced fear defeat and control us?
Otherwise, extreme future abuses against Christians are coming. Christians are discharged from the military for religious exemptions surrounding vaccines now, while medical exemptions are honored. More job losses, small business bankruptcies, and children taken away from Christian parents are coming. Expect new definitions of “child abuse” by militant, secular, godless, deceived, and lying tyrannical bureaucrats, claiming to protect us. They are coming for those who forget That Other Jesus, who is the truth that will set us free.
The Holy Scripture’s missed applications are connected to many “Christians” misunderstanding of salvation’s full requirements. Shockingly, many “Christians” don’t even know they are lost! Practical scriptural advice on the “public” school challenge and help for struggling broken families in crisis of affairs and divorces are also given. It’s time for another Great Awakening, but will Christians do the necessary work Paul via the Holy Spirit (including Christ) advised for self-examination, repentance, and full obedience to Christ as revealed in both Old and New Testaments?
That Other Jesus motivates serious rethinking of our spirituality and its application to America’s growing problems with the family, society, education, government, and politics.
Sampling of Topics Addressed:
- Why is Sin So Bad If No One is Hurt?
- Our Popular Theology on Sinning
- When God Spoke on Public Policy Issues and Sins
- Answers to Objections Like:
* God does not intend to reform the world via political activism.
* If God’s in control, why should I get involved?
* We’re living in the last days, and things are supposed to get bad.
Science on covid and vaccines are censored. Election fraud / crimes are censored. Scientific evidence for God has been censored for decades in our “public” schools, which is the foundation of a militant, socialistic-leaning, godless culture. But scientific-based FACTS are available now!
Share and Live Free!
Passive to lies, freedom dies & wealth dives!
100% of book profits are planned for the legal defense of American ministers and people-of-faith who have or will suffer for their faith.