We are always adding more. Please check back regularly.
FBI / ATF Weaponization/Nazification
Dec 28, 2024 Biden Admin Singled Out ‘Pro-Life, Pro-Family” Americans as Terrorists
June 4, 2024 ‘Total Vindication’ for FBI Whistleblower Who Questioned Wray’s Narrative on Jan 6
+ so-called “INSURRECTIONALISTS.” (Remember, 99% of these folks had no weapons and were not aware barrier signs had been taken down, while Capitol security unlocked doors and let people in without warnings on the east side. You can even see security pulling broken glass away, so a window can be more easily entered on the west side. Major Media Never Showed That. No Wonder We Are A Divided Nation. Some of us never learn to get our news from multiple sources and are thus easily manipulated.)
April 12, 2024 Exposing Corruption at FBI: Whistleblowers Share Their Story
(7 min) Mike Huckabee on ATF – ‘Somebody needs to answer for this’
(7 min) Hagerty Doesn’t hold Back on Sec. Yellen for Leaks that ‘Target People For Voting For Trump.’ Scan to the 3-min 40-sec mark to hear it. The topic of monitoring Bible purchases came up again. Note her phrasing “attack on the capitol” as evidence of her government indoctrinated mentality of what most (99%) of the unarmed people were doing on Jan 6th. Strange “insurrection” when most were unarmed and Capitol security unlocked doors and permitted people in without any warnings on the peaceful east side. Why are these people judged guilty like Rebecca Laveranz, a Christian great grandmother, who entered with an attitude of prayer for America?
FBI as the Attack Weapon Against ‘Political Enemies’ – Police State
(6 min 11-30-2023) MASSIVE Cover-Up by DOJ & FBI to Hide Biden’s Crimes
(4 min) Jesse Watters – The FBI was blackmailing Biden
Leaked Leftist radical hatred has killed children and it was censored by the FBI Why? It’s connected to Cultural Marxism, CRT & Anti-Christian Extremism (This YouTube link is likely to be taken down. See these links too: LINK1 LINK2 LINK3
(37 min) Rep Clay Higgins speaks out against FBI corruption with Lara Logan
See also
New Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, calls AG Merrick Garland ‘Worst AG in History’
Punishment of Key FBI Agents Raises New Red Flags
FBI Whistleblower: The Enemy Within . . .OR What happens if Americans stay silent and disengaged. LINK:
‘I Have Never Seen Anything Like This’: Jim Jordan Details FBI Whistleblower Concerns
Tulsi Gabbard Makes Case For How Govt Agencies ‘Are Being Weaponized Against Us’
House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government Holds its First Hearing –
Jim Jordan Leaves Cocky FBI Official SPEECHLESS in Congress
Previous link doesn’t work anymore. Try this one: (Be sure to select speaker icon to enable audio)
The FBI has Lied to Congress
Does Google Engage with the FBI?
‘Key Agencies Have Indeed Been Weaponized’: Mike Johnson Hammers AG Garland At Weaponization Hearing
What is the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government? LINK:
FBI Caught DESTROYING EVIDENCE In J6 Trial, PROOF Feds Were Involved Link:
Fired Twitter Execs To Be ARRESTED for CENSORSHIP!!
Lauren Boebert –
What the FBI did to Mark Houck & How Christ Helped Him
FBI Found No Credible Threats After Investigating Dozens of Protesting Parents LINK:
Judiciary Committee Chair, Jim Jordan, on the FBI weaponization against protesting parents – LINK: https://
Government censorship when it fails to investigate real crimes LINK:
Mark Levin: Why do Democrats hate America? | Fox News Video They’ve unleased the corrupt DOJ and FBI against anyone who disagrees with them – pro-lifers, parents, and you’re next.
Signs of Tyranny
How Shadowy Forces Control What Science Gets Published – FALLOUT
(11 min) What Tucker Carlson Learned From Surviving a Plane Crash
(5 min) How rank-choice voting works and aids tyranny
The Communist Agenda Against The Traditional Family Structure
Canada’s Woke Nightmare – A Warning to the West
The Truth about America’s Department of Education with Former Ed. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
The Machine – The Truth Behind Teacher Unions (4 min 29 sec)
The Mockery of Freedom and the Path to Totalitarianism: Gabrielle Bauer
Jacob Siegel (Part 1) ‘Disinformation’ Warfare – A New Weapon of Mass Destruction
CCP Opens Police Department in the US – COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Reports Hidden
If you are not informing everyone in your sphere of influence concerning:
1) The censored science on covid, early effective and safe treatments that have saved lives, how are you any different from those whose silence killed thousands?
2) The censored crimes surrounding election fraud by both major parties, how are you any different from those who have stolen and will steal votes from others?
3) The censored scientific evidence for God, how are you any different from those who indoctrinate in humanistic theories and have created a militant secular culture?
4) Censored American histories – good and bad, how are you any different from those who sown Marxist ideologies and a love for socialism among our youth?
5) Censored persecutions against people of faith in America, why should your faith be protected if you remain silent?
If you are silent when you know a lie is communicated, doesn’t that make you a liar too?
If you are not directing everyone in your sphere of influence to:
1) To contact state legislatures for the investigation of election fraud, elimination of electronic voting, and mandating full forensic audits after each election until all vulnerabilities are addressed;
2) Support School Choice and Tution Tax Credits so all Parents and not the government is in control of their children;
3) Reigning in the power of the bureaucrats;
4) Local Constitutional Sheriffs should be alerted to the vulnerability of masive electronic election crimes in your area. (See for FREE Let My People Go on the Homepage of this website)
Then expect Americans will lose their freedoms
“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved and to be steady on all the battlefront besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.” (Protestant Reformer Martin Luther in The Complete Works of Francis A Schaeffer, Volume 4, pg. 333)
“We face a worldview which would have never given us our freedoms, forced upon us by the courts and the government by men holding this other worldview . . . This other view is totally intolerant. I do not think we are going to get another opportunity if we do not take it now in this country. If the Christians specifically and others who love liberty, but specifically the Christians, do not do something about it now. I don’t believe your grandchildren are going to get a chance. . . Where have the Bible-believing Christians been in the last forty years?! . . . This country is close to being lost, not first of all because of a humanists’ conspiracy. I believe there are those who conspire, but that is not the reason this country is almost lost . . This country is almost lost . . because the Bible-believing Christians in the last forty years, who have said that they know that the final reality is this infinite personal God, who is the creator, … they said they have known it, and they have done nothing about it as the consensus has changed! There has been a vast silence.” (Reference: A Christian Manifesto, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, (Audio Cassette). Truths That Transform, P.O. Box 33, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33302), 1-800-229-9673
Question: Are you aware that while the IRS prohibits candidate support/oppositions by 501(c)3 organizations, but permits them to engage in lobbying, petition drives, influencing their legislatures in law generation and educating voters? (The IRS has already targeted one 501(c)3 applicant with the complaint that since their pro-Bible position was in line with the Republican party on Pro-Life and Pro-Israel and thus were denied. But after pressure was put on the IRS, the IRS reversed their position.)
PRINCIPLE: Expect a fight anytime you go against hell. If you don’t fight, then hell will rule over you.
What does it mean to be saved?
By Jearell Kelley
Abstract: Many “Christians” are mistaken about their salvation, are eternality lost and don’t know it. Unfortunately and sadly, their pastors and priests are to blame.
While Christ walked in Palestine he foretold of ministers, with impressive miracle ministries, who are eternally lost because they were not serious in doing all the Father’s will (Matthew 7:21-23). Just before ascending into heaven, Christ commanded, “teaching them (new followers) to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:20). Many “Christians” are ignoring Christ’s command in part because of a mistaken belief – “One only needs to follow Christ’s Palestine spoken words.” This and other serious salvation-pending factors will be explained.
Sadly, most of Christianity has also evolved into a confessional faith instead of a fully obedient faith. Luke repeated Christ’s warning with, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46) and said that a man “who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete” (Luke 6:49).
Christ is talking about an eternal and final destruction in hell for those who are not seriously obedient to all of the Father’s Word. It fits with Christ’s warning to the disobedient in Matthew, “Away from me, you evildoers!” (Matt 7:23) and added “I never knew you” (Matt. 7:23). Could it be these “Christians” thought they were saved by simply believing in Jesus and witnessing for him and doing Christian-like things sometimes, without the serious requirement to seek to do all the Father’s will always? How many times have you heard the sinner’s prayer of confessing sins and believing in Christ only, but total silence about the importance of having a heart that’s tuned to listening to and obeying Father God constantly? Could this explain why Christ said, “I never knew you,” because these “Christians” were never fully committed to Christ as their Lord? Paul repeated this warning with the requirement that believers were to work out their salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12) and Peter concurred, “Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 1:10 – 11). Christ taught, “Make every effort to be saved.” (Luke 13:24 – the literal translation). Christ added, “Many will try, but will not be saved.”
Our ministers have made most, if not all, Sunday morning services into constant comfort without any challenges. Did our carnalities cause Christianity to evolve into a consumer Christianity with positive messages only, leaving various churches in competition to attract us? Is this why Christ said many will claim to know him, but he will tell them that he doesn’t know them (Matt 7:23)? Christ said that many will come from the east and west and be at the heavenly feast with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but those associated with God’s kingdom, and should have known better, will be eternally lost (Matt. 8:11-12). Does this speak well of America’s missionary activities, but total failure to reach souls with the FULL Gospel of Christ and the Father’s commands here at home? This explains hypocrites too.
Christ taught “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt. 5:48). Jesus repeated the importance of the Father’s will again. Peter picks up this theme with the importance of remembering God’s Word that was spoken through the prophets with the emphasis that Christ also spoke through the apostles too (2 Pet. 1:19, 21; 3:2). How many Christians do you know who are eager to learn the Father’s commands through Holy-Spirit-inspired minor prophets, who also spoke Christ’s heart concerning things of this life? Let’s look at some examples.
What is the Father’s will and judgment toward neutral bystanders of personal, social and political problems?
The Holy Spirit and Christ’s heart, via Paul, told those who failed to support their families are equivalent to unbelievers (1 Tim. 5:8 paraphrased). Yes, let’s make these red-letters too since it is Christ’s heart.
The Holy Spirit and Christ’s heart via Amos said to establish justice in the court (Amos 5:15).
The Holy Spirit and Christ’s heart via Hosea said that God’s people set up kings without my consent (Hosea 8:4).
Approximately half of evangelicals are registered to vote and half of that actually do. How are godly judges to be appointed if God’s people fail to vote godly representatives into office to appoint godly judges? Do “Christians” understand that any carefree attitude, resistance or rebellion against the Father’s will is severely grievous to him?
The Holy Spirit and Christ’s heart via Solomon said to those who fail to resist evil are equivalent to polluted wells and muddied streams (Proverbs 25:26).
The Holy Spirit and Christ’s heart via Solomon said that those who obey God resist evil (Prov 28:4 paraphrased).
The Holy Spirit and Christ’s heart via Hosea said that God’s people fail for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).
How will God judge those too busy with personal profits and pleasure to know the Father’s will, fail to seek evidence on alleged political crimes and thus fail to resist electronic election fraud by both major parties? Do “Christians” understand that the day is coming for their bank accounts to the seized by the state if they are perceived as political enemies? (Canada has already done this.) Where’s the popular resistance against unelected bureaucrats with unscientific covid rules, that have killed tens of thousands at least, and removed doctor’s licenses who prescribed early life saving treatments? Are “Christians” really pro-life? Do “Christians” understand that without holding their state legislatures to full accountability over the bureaucrats, that new “Covid-like” rules will return. Parents who fail to vaccinate their children will lose them to the state and more Americans will die from failed “scientific” policies?
The Holy Spirit and Christ’s heart via Isaiah said to those stuck on religious routines to liberate those held in bondage (Isaiah 58:6 paraphrased).
Will God judge those busy in their religious duties as evil in the Father’s eyes, because they failed to resist slavery (of all forms – physical and government atheistic-education favoring) because cultural evil “norms” are valued over God’s prompting Word and will?
The Holy Spirit and Christ’s heart said through Obadiah to those who stood-by in their neutrality and watched Jerusalem come under attack and robbed as equivalent to the attackers (Obad. 11 paraphrased).
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Christ in Matthew 18:6
Will Christ not judge anyone with aversion to being “political” as evil since such apathy caused loss of School Choice public policies and this has accelerated lost souls, cultural corruptions, and a militant athesitic socialism ready to steal political power; while many of the unchurched parents would have gladly accepted a church school over a government one for their children now? Will not the “neutral,” who failed to liberate children trapped in humanistic government schools, be judged by Christ as equivalent to the godless who indoctrinated unsuspecting children against Christ?
Many “Christians” claim to love Christ but fail to fully seek out the Father’s will in all of life – personal and political. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command” (John 14:15). True salvation-conversions include a heart that continually surrenders to all of Christ’s commands from both Old and New Testaments. One is truly born again, if the person has a heart to emulate and follow Christ in all of life’s matters – personal, private, public, and political. As one works out their salvation in fear and trembling, they will constantly make course corrections toward full Christ-like obedience. John Newton, the once captain of a slave trading ship and Amazing Grace gospel hymn writer, had life transforming experiences. If he had continually resisted Christ’s warnings, he would have grieved the Holy Spirit, been in rebellion against Christ, and judged as evil by Christ. He that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy (Prov 29:1).
“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition of every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved and to be steady on all the battlefront besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.” – Protestant Reformer Martin Luther (1)
“The third possibility is not just to bind up the wounds of the victims beneath the wheel but to seize the wheel itself. Such an action would be direct political action on the part of the church.”
– Dietrich Bonhoeffer(2)
The German Confessing Church did not respond to Bonhoeffer’s call for political action against Hitler for the protection of the Jews. Consequently, they suffered for it. Those that clearly rejected God’s Word are in hell now. The American Church is following with the same sinful apathy and neutrality. Some ignorantly and others completely in rebellion to the Father’s will because of fears.
One military briefing I witnessed explained that medical vaccine exemptions would be honored while proponents with religious convictions against the covid vaccination will be discharged. While the U.S. Constitution Amendment 1 stipulates that Congress shall make no law against religion, apparently the military and bureaucrats may. This makes a mockery of the oath to protect and defend the US Constitution from foreign and domestic enemies. Military Christians have lost careers and retirements for their religious convictions. Evangelicals and Catholics are listed with terrorists in current military training. Political prisoners have been in jail for over two years in the U.S. What’s next? Ministers will be fined and jailed for unsafe anti-government and unsocially acceptable speeches. (Once tested in Texas, but will be back.) Parents challenging school boards are also “terrorists” now and have been arrested. Children will be taken from Christian parents for “spiritual abuse”. Homeschooling will be outlawed. (Tried once before, but will be back.)
“If men are not ruled by God, they will be ruled by tyrants” – William Penn
Willian Penn learned this from Israel’s history. Israel’s repeated disobedience was followed by foreign godless tyranny multiple times. God’s message from OT to NT is that God does not change:
I the Lord do not change (Malachi 3:6a).
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
Why shouldn’t America come under increasingly godless tyrannical abuses if her ministers continue to remain silent on the Father’s will concerning social and political issues? The Father has been more than gracious to America. Sadly, eternal punishment awaits many popular ministers, prayer warriors and those with fond feelings for Christ, who failed to take the Father’s will seriously on all of life. It will be as shocking to them to learn that Christ really wasn’t their Lord, as it will be to the miracle workers claiming Christ was their Lord too.
21 –“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven. But only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 – Many will say to me on that day ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23 – Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ – Jesus Christ in Matt. 7:21-23
(1) The Complete Works of Francis A Schaeffer, Volume 4, pg. 333
(2) That Other Jesus we don’t talk about – How we’ll lose our souls and country if we remain silent, by Jearell C
Kelley, pg. 178 with hyperlink on pg. 192.
See for FREE (pro-bono) legal services for ministers.
Do you know why good “Christians” will be in hell too? Link:
In a hurry? Then see Matthew 7:21-23 and Luke 13:23-24
American Gospel – Christ Alone
THAT OTHER JESUS adds much more scriptural evidence.
FREE Movies, Book Suggestions, Other Voices (Some are funny) & Songs
(28 min) The Christmas Truce of 1914
(28 min) 19 year old Marie Durand was in prison for 38 years. He crime was her faith in the Bible
(28 min) The Slave Trader – Amazing Grace – John Newton
(28 min) Franz Hasel – The Soldier Who Defied Hitler
(29 min) Dietrich Bonhoeffer – A Story of Courage & Faith
Other The Incredible Journey movies at
(12 min) Goodbye Bogus Separation of Church & State
(5 min) The Great Thomas Sowell
(6 min) Milton Friedman: No Free Lunch
(Oct 8,2024) Katie Hopkins in 2 minutes on Britain’s Response to MAGA Patriots
New Book – Rights & Freedoms in Peril by Tom Fitten
Marxism, Socialism, & Communism – Free Hillsdale College Course
Free Movie – Donald Trump – The Outlier (Full Documentary)
Undercover Journalist James O’Keefe new movie – LINE IN THE SAND (Oct 10)
(28 min) Free Movie – THE BIG CON –
New Movie –
Fighting Real Nazis (Has viewer’s reaction of October 7 The Play)
(3 min) Sept 21, 2024 Megyn Kelly DESTROY the lawfare against President Trump
(12 min) Veteran DNC Activist BLOWS UP the Entire INTERNET by Spilling the TEA on Kamala Harris
(2 min) Ask Your Doctor if Independence is Right for You
Victor Davis Hansom: A forgettable Warped Debate
(2 min) Kamala Harris Campaign Ad PARODY
I Will Not Eat Grilled Haitian Cat
(5 Min) From London to Mississippi – Why I love America
(7 min) African American Pastor’s Preaching Goes Viral – Alton R Williams World Overcomers Church
(7 m in) JP Moderating a VERY Fair Presidential Debate
(7 min) JP’s Interview with Kamala Harris
New Dinesh D’Souza movie coming Sept 27 – Movie Trailer Here
August 19, 2024 (10-min) When the Left Finally Speak Truth from Liberal Hive
(5 min) Hitler phones Kamala Harris
(13 min) Kamala’s DISASTROUS Week Just Got A Whole Lot WORSE!!!
July 17, 2024 New Movie – Government GANGSTERS
(4 min) Ranked Choice Voting Explained
London Real with Brian Rose – We Will Not Be Silenced (9.3M views)
(3 min) Jason Aldean’s song “Try That In A Small Town”
(3 minutes) Want to see the first American-British battle & what we can learn from it?
(5 min) Lincoln’s Prayer – Spring 1865
( 5 min) John Lennox, Oxford Mathematician, LAST Words to the World
Free Movie – The Fall of Minneapolis
Want evidence of other pieces to this puzzle? Liz Collin indirectly mentioned it, but it’s not caught by most. See SalemNow movie – Uncle Tom II. It’s referenced in the Censored Documentaries box on front page of this website. Also notice the new questions for the FBI
Lee Greenwood song – God Bless The U.S.A
Need an encouraging song in a positive group experience? Praise by Elevation Worship
Documentary – Desmond Doss – Incredible Faith & Heroism at ‘Hacksaw Ridge’
New Book: The Scout Mindset – Why Some People See Things Clearly & Others Don’t by Julia Galef. You can see her less than 12-minute talk here. LINK (Scan down after link selection) She finishes with three questions. 1) What do you most yearn for? 2) Do you yearn to defend your own beliefs? or 3) Do you yearn to see the world as clearly as you possibly can?
I would add a fourth question. 4) Do you value community more, even at the expense of phony relationships and self-dishonesty?
(5 min) June 10, 2024 – What’s Not Fair about Free Trade?
Four Lies the Culture Tells About the Truth
March 8, 2024 (1 hr) Hollywood Takeover – China’s Control in The Film Industry
See also LINK
LINK – Protect Your Family in the War with the CCP – Panel at red carpet premiere of Hollywood Takeover
A FUN WATCH – Dad takes toddler daughter for pretend rollercoaster ride in laundry basket
Here’s some movies to watch:
C S Lewis Life Story of the Hope Bringer
Dennis Prager Deconstructing John Oliver on Israel & Palestine
(1.5 min trailer) Bonhoeffer – New Movie coming Nov 2024 from Angel Studios – How far will you go to stand up for what’s right?
(2 min trailer) Bonhoeffer – Pastor – Spy – Assassin
More Information Link
(1 hr) How the Left Hijacked Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Story with Eric Metaxas
Russell Brand and a Brief Look at His Story of Personal Change
I walked on the Moon, then I met Christ – Charlie Duke, Lunar Module Pilot, Apollo 16
HINT 1: See Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s The Cost of Discipleship. As a Lutheran pastor under Hitler’s growing political power, Bonhoeffer could not awaken the cowardly German Protestant pastors for political action against Hitler. American pastors and their churhes will reap God’s judgment too for their “Cheap Grace” sermons and failure to stand against evil.
HINT 2: A key quote in The Cost of Discipleship is “Cheap grace means the justification of sin without the justification of the sinner.“
Cheap grace says Christ accepts me if I ONLY believe. In contrast, apostle Paul wrote, “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” – 1 Timothy 4:16 – NIV
. . . “he (Jesus) became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.” – Hebrews 5:9b – NIV
“Like a muddied spring or a polluted well is a righteous man who gives way to the wicked.” Proverbs 25:26
(1 hr 32 min) Bonhoeffer (2003) Full Movie
(28 min) Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Story of Courage & Faith (Full Movie)
Kevin Sorbo’s next movie – Miracle in East Texas (A true story the whole family will love)
The Sound of Freedom: Human Trafficking in Your Own Backyard
Retired Colonel Says 2024 Election WILL NOT HAPPEN
Link – Former Democrat, Vince Everett Ellison, Exposes Party’s Evil Past
See his website for video & books at
Consequences Matter: Thomas Sowell on “Social Justice Fallacies”
The Final War – The 100-Year Plot to Defeat America
(9 min) How Liberals are now adopting old Conservative Common Sense Views
NEW RULE – From the River to the Sea – Real Time with Bill Maher
(15 min) Mosab Hassan Yousef: My Father Founded Hamas
(5 min) A little history on the Middle East Refugee Problem
NOW FOR SOME LAUGHS – because we need it (Be sure to skip the initial commercials): On Herding Cats!!!
Alien Confused After Being Taken To Our “President” Biden LINK:
Family makes Tough Decision To Put Aging Grandpa in US Senate
How Jordan Peterson’s Reeducation Training will Go
State Approved Propaganda About the Presidential Candidates!
Think you understand what’s happening? Look at this link and learn first impressions can be deceving LINK:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Alternative Math – short 9-min film LINK:
A 2-minute take from an Academy Award-Winning actor, Jon Voight, of a domestic war on Americans
What’s Democracy? LINK:
Dr. David Berlinski – The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions
– A secular Jew who “delivers a biting defense of religious thought.”
Capt. Eddy Rickenbacker – A “loser” who beat his foreign / domestic enemies – including the socialistic US president who censored him and natural life-threating challenges via retelling. See how he did it as a lesson for our challenges today. LINK: Fast Eddie’s Secret to Preserving America
Why are so many young people unhappy?
Do you Know the Incredible Feats of Major Audie Murphy?
New Book: According To Plan by Kevin D Freeman (Forward by Ben Carson, M.D.)
Kevin is sounding the alarm. My hope is that enough people will hear him before it is too late. – Phil Robertson
If we don’t awaken from the coma of complacency, we will slip into the nightmare of tyranny. This book has our action-plan solution. – Kevin Sorbo
Order you copy TODAY and get a second book free at
OR Link:
An American example of bipartisan UNITY:
Hillsdale College & FREE online Courses – Hillsdale.Edu
Summit Ministries Give Teens Reasons to Believe
Tulsi Gabbard TORCHES DEMS IN EXPLOSIVE VIDEO BEFORE WALKING AWAY AND NOT LOOKING BACK. Liberty lovers, don’t miss Tulsi’s statement of elitist controls on personal freedoms if radical Democrats win.
Young People in America are being brainwashed by the Media LINK:
New Patriot Militia Groups EXPLODES across the Nation !!! LINK:
See for more information.
Alicia Dorado: From Democratic Political Staffer to Conservative Activist LINK:
I Changed My Mind About God – Here’s Why by JP LINK:
Watch what happens when Jesus is mentioned LINK:
Tucker Carlson’s last address before leaving Fox News at Heritage50 with very interesting comments at 29:48 on the massive effective of censorship – Hundreds of thousands of Americans have no idea what’s going on.
Defending the Republic
Robert W Malone MD, MS
Inventor of mRNA & DNA vaccines, RNA as a drug. Scientist, physician, writer, podcaster, commentator and advocate. Believer in our fundamental freedom of free speech.
- Ninja (Omicron BA.5) COVID Fearporn
- Systemic Harms to our Children
- Letter to the U.K. Gov from 76 Doctors
See all of Dr. Malone’s articles here: Link
America’s Frontline Doctors
Article via Frontline Doctors: Censored Doctors Robert Malone, Brian Tyson, and Peter McCullough Sue Twitter
Censorship has become commonplace and even almost widely accepted since early 2020. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, physicians have been threatened and silenced for sharing their professional opinions on effective treatments. Corporate media, big pharma, and big tech have made a concerted effort to silence all of us who speak out. Just as AFLDS has been extensively censored beginning with the viral White Coat Summit video, which was removed from YouTube, AFLDS Affiliate physicians Tyson and McCullough along with Dr. Malone have been gagged and banned from Twitter to prevent them from sharing the truth.
Dr. Robert Malone is an internationally renowned scientist and physician, and the inventor of the original mRNA vaccine. He fearlessly warned the public about his apprehension regarding the use of the Covid-19 injection in humans. Dr. Brian Tyson is a highly experienced California physician who, with his colleagues, has successfully provided over 10,000 Covid-19 patients with early treatment with zero patient deaths. Dr. Peter McCullough has been published over 1,000 times and is the undisputed expert voice in the area of Covid-19 policy, diagnosis and/or treatment, and the dangers of Covid-19 injections.
Besides being brilliant, brave voices who have collectively saved thousands of lives, what do all of these physicians have in common? They, along with countless others, have been silenced. Silenced by the media, threatened by medical boards, and banned from Twitter for sharing lifesaving information that did not go against Twitter’s “disinformation” guidelines.
Drs. Malone, Tyson, and McCullough have teamed up and have sued Twitter for breach of contract because Twitter did not follow their own “disinformation” guidelines, which include six warnings, before banning them from their platform. The doctors will all move for an award of attorneys’ fees under the California Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1021.5 for enforcement of an important right affecting the public interest. This means that if the doctors are successful, Twitter may be ordered to pay all of their attorneys’ fees for the lawsuit.
We applaud these doctors for taking action against their oppressors and will support their efforts in this litigation in any way possible.
AFLDS is here to bring We The People the truth. Your donations are paramount to our continuing success and enable AFLDS to continue the fight for freedoms, including fighting for our Constitutional rights to free speech.
America’s Frontline Doctors
- Crimes Against Humanity Video: Link
America’s Frontline Doctors Website
Steve Bannon’s War Room
Emerald Robinson
Emerald Robinson, former White House correspondent for Newsmax who was fired for exposing the truth about the ingredients of the COVID 19 “vaccine”. She has been censored in social media as well. Support her work by signing up for her full regular articles: Subscribe
- The FBI Raids Mar-a-Lago: What We Know
- Georgia Secretary of State’s Office Admits To 2020 Election Recount “Errors”
- VoterGA Uncovers Massive Election Fraud in Georgia
- The Global Vaccine Nightmare Has Just Begun
- Something Stinks in Colorado. How did an unknown candidate with no following and no money tie with Tina Peters in a GOP primary?
- The GOP Wants To Lose The Mid-Terms: They sold out its own voters once again before the 2022 elections
- Democrats Are Domestic Terrorists Too! The masked Karens of America don’t want the Proud Boys to have all the fun so they started several insurrections last weekend
See all her articles here: Link
Former FDA Director, Dr. John Abramson, says “Not our job to correct faulty drug data in articles. Result: 87% of clinical trial data hidden from Medical Journals.” This means doctors are not getting the information they need. Why? Medical journals are influenced by drug companies to write reviews that help drug companies sell their drugs. LINK: 87% of Clinical Trial Data Hidden from Medical Journals; Fmr FDA Director: Not Our Job to Correct Faulty Drug Data in Articles ( Dr. John Abramson, M.D. is author of OVERDO$ED AMERICA – How the pharmaceutical companies are corrupting science, misleading doctors, and threatening your health.
John B. Wells Intelligence Briefings
All Intelligence Briefings: Link
Eric Metaxas’ interview on the making of “created equal – CLARENCE THOMAS IN HIS OWN WORDS” shows the radical changes in the life of a man that renews hope for America at: Michael Pack Talks About Clarence Thomas and “Created Equal” ( Note Manifold Productions for outstanding present and upcoming documentaries.
( 5 min) Clarence Thomas on Courage
Eric Metaxas’ interview with Yeonmi Park, author of In Order to Live LINK: Line: You should be ashamed not to fight against evil.)
See and hear scientists’ wrestlings of life’s big questions in very brief videos at:
THE JOHN 10:10 PROJECT – Short films. Big God. Abundant life. (
Bullet Proof Washington? LINK:
(3 min) Paul Harvey in 1965 – If I Were The Devil
What kids are facing in schools OR the MOST POWERFUL SONG for FREEDOM Ever? LINK:
Remy: All My Loving (Beatles Parody) Those of my generation remembers the tune. Unfortunately, words have changed.
Now for a thought of appreciation: Johnny Cash – Ragged Old Flag (Audio) – Bing video
Neil Oliver: All the neo-Liberal stooges are running scared now and for good reason. LINK:
Check out for great kid shows
ContraLand Documentary – Vets 4 Child Rescue #V4CR Exposing Child Trafficking & Predators
New Documentary coming – THE GREAT REPLACEMENT – Exposing Illegal Alien Invasion of America
On Climate Change
October 19, 2024 Scientists Find No Change In ‘Global Warming’ Rates Since 1970.
(5 min) The Real Climate Crisis
March 27, 2024 New Documentary – Cold Truth About Climate
Feb 28, 2024 – Scientists Expose Major Problems with Climate Change Data
Oct 11, 2023 – Era of ‘Unquestioned and Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over
Konstantin Kisin – This House Believes WOKE Culture Has Gone Too Far LINK:
(6 min) What Percent Of Our Atmosphere Is CO2? Doug LaMalfa Stumps Entire Panel with Climate Question LINK:
Inconvenient Truth: 32 Climate Predictions Proven False
Nobel Laurate: Climate Science Has Metastasized into Massive Shock-Journalistic Pseudoscience
Stop Climate Misinformation https://www.
Neil Oliver – There’s nothing green about the green agenda – just plain old greed!
Gender Confusion
Dr. Miriam Grossman Destroys Gender Ideology in 5 Minutes
(20 min) Dr. Miriam Grossman – Gender Ideology & the Medical Experiment on Our Children
(16 min) Dr. Stephen Levine, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and renowned for his 5 decades of work in human sexuality and gender dysphoria, says that individuals with transgender surgeries commit suicide at 19 times the rate of the general Swedish suicide population rate, where the 30-year study was done, and counters other transgender myths with scientific studies and most children grow out of gender confusion. In case YouTube takes the black link down, try this blue twitter link
Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. Apostle Paul (Romans 1:28 NIV) Commentary: Do roosters lay eggs? Didn’t use to be a hard question.
(4 min) Man Identifying As 6-Year-Old Breaks All Records In T-Ball League
June 22, 2024 – The Activist Connection
(1 min) It’s hard to believe this story & Look what’s being hid from parents
(11 min) April 25, 2024 Fired for Not Lying to Parents?
(3 min) Woman Dressed as Cat Makes School Board Look Like FOOLS
(20 min) DeTrans – The Dangers of Gender-Affirming Care
Book – Detrans – True Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult by Mary Margaret Olohan
(52 min) The Gender Ideology Cult exposed with Mary Margaret Olohan
When “Freedom” Goes Too Far . . . and other nonsense given to parents & homeschoolers – The Homeschool Revolution
April 11, 2024 (31 min) Dennis Prager – This Is What’s Driving the Death of the West
A professor pushes back against the woke mob & explains what we can do & What Parents should know
What can Parents Do about the Sexualization of Children by Schools & Media?
CA Senate Passes Bill That Would Remove Custody from Non-Affirming Parents
Is your favorite cookie company grooming children?
Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities
It is never loving to affirm anyone in their gender confusion.
It’s much more loving to warn of dangers they play with.
Those who follow through with surgeries lose the ability to have orgasms.
19% of those with regrets committee suicide.
Here’s something everyone can do for free to protect children from physical harm – LINK:
A Parent’s Guide to Radical Gender Theory by Christopher F Rufo
The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour by Christopher F Rufo
Stephanie Winn: ‘Trans Industry’ is Creating a Sterolized Genertion and Medical Patients for Life
Want to help Transgender folks? GIVE THEM THE TRUTH: https://
SCIENCE, and the TRANSGENDER Phenomenon and the YOUNG – Abigail Shrier
Science, the Transgender Phenomenon, and the Young | Abigail Shrier – Bing video
New Rule: Along for the Pride – Real Time with Bill Maher at: New Rule: Along for the Pride — Real Time with Bill Maher Blog (real-time-with-bill-maher-
Brad Stine – Why No One Was Confused About Gender When I Grew Up (4 min)
Dennis Prager – A Mental Health Crisis & The Death of God: (Click on Dennis Prager again to play the audio)
Trans Movement AT WAR with Christians!!!
Rev Calvin Robinson – Christianity SHOULD NOT allow gay marriage LINK:
DEAD NAME https://www.
Scan to 8:15 at LINK: Exposing The Trans Contagion to see how the spreading of an emotion/idea from person to person is breaking families apart.
US government continues to push gender ideoology abroad (We MUST defund this!!!)
WALT’S DISENCHANTED KINGDOM is FREE for watching now! Pass the word to see LINK at:
How to Transition a Rooster to a Hen! by JP – YouTube
While those suffering from gender confusion are to be graceously helped, JP mocks gender-confusion indoctrination with our laughs. However, his stupid drag queen impersonation may want to be skipped from 2:25 to 2:38.
Target allow men in women’s restrooms? Here’s another reason to boycott Target
Why are you here if you can’t answer our questions? Nancy Mace goes off on OPM director. LINK:
Konstantin Kisin Calmly DISMANTLES Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Woke Nonsense
CRT Related Issues
June 29, 2024 – How DEI Corrupts Amerca’s Universities
(5 min) The Whiteness of Wokeness
(1 min) On the Dangers of Wokeness
Jordan Peterson And Stephen Fry DESTROY Angry Intellectual LINK:
See Uncle Tom II from SalemNow as referenced in the “Censored Documentaries” box on the home page of this website.
Short 5-minute videos you will never hear in Woke colleges:
(After you start the following videos, you must select the picture AGAIN to play the audio)
Christopher Rufo is a scholar on CRT and other Higher Education’s ROT.
Needed Help
Judicial Watch Website –
What We Can Do - Action Items
Mike Lindell Discusses the Plan To Secure Our Elections
The Lindell Offense Fund NEEDS HELP.
The LOF will impound the machines, reinstate to paper ballots, return to same-day, single-day voting, restore voter ID requirements, eliminate pop-up voting locations, and end election season and anytime voting.
(56 seconds) Toward a solution against criminals in and out of federal office
Talk about Sound of Freedom movie
Public School Exit – Rescuing Our Children LINK:
EXPOSED: Public Schools are secretly brainwashing little girls and boys.
A Beginner’s Guide to Reversing DEI(B) in Schools
How Christians Are Taking Over California Public Schools
Make a Stand for Your Children:
Why Public Schools Should Want School Choice: (You must selcct PragerU video screen to make the audio work) You much select AGAIN PragerU’s playing videos to enable audio.
Support Kyle Seraphin, Former FBI Agent and now whistleblower. His raised funds also helps other FBI whistleblowers stand up against the nazification of the FBI. Go to:
Help Jan 6th Political prisoners LINK:
Follow request for action at tab = Call to Action on site: (Imagine if it was you or your loved one whose Constitutional rights were being violated)
Check out
Start Petitions with warning of boycotts to targeted businesses
Start petitioning businesses with threats of boycotts who continue to support symbols of Covid fears (posted signs and/or employees with facemasks) and are silent on the abuses on American Constitutional liberties. Go out of your way to support any business that helps to publicly publish electronic election fraud to its customers with prompts to contact their sheriffs to confiscate these electronic voting systems. (63% of counties in America have Constitutional sheriffs opposing federal gun laws against the Second Amendment. Why not encourage your local sheriffs to opposite electronic election fraud too? Their votes are not being counted with honor either.) The public paid for these systems, pays and votes for their sheriffs. Note: Conservatives have been political prisoners for over three years – a clear denial of their Constitutional rights. Is this the American you want your children to live in where political views are suppressed and persons punished?
New Book!
That Other Jesus
We Don’t Talk About
How we’ll lose our souls & country if we remain silent – 1st Edition. With best from the first, a much better second edition is coming. Don’t buy first edition.
Jearell C. Kelley, P.E.; ESD CPM
What would Jesus’ response be to the socialists’ political power grab with election fraud or to their culture manipulation with critical race theory? Early American ministers not only recognized Christ in the prophets and apostles, but their sermons proclaimed That Other Jesus for the protection of religious liberties that were foundational to all American freedoms. Yes, they had a profound impact on America’s Founding Fathers to fight against British tyranny. These motivational sermons against tyranny have been censored for decades. Did we think our freedoms were forever secure?
That Other Jesus motivates serious rethinking of our spirituality and its application to America’s problems with the family, education, politics and the government’s tyrannical overreach in personal liberties. Today, as massive election fraud evidence grows, many remain disengaged to protect their vote or their freedoms. Thus illegal/tyrannical political power is not fully contested. After Hitler gained full power, the sleeping German Church later regretted their missed opportunities. Is the American Church asleep to their Deitrich Bonhoeffer’s or Christ’s warnings? It’s time for another Great Awakening! Will Christians self-examine, repent and fully obey Christ as revealed in both Old and New Testaments as it pertains to all of life or will state-induced fear defeat and control us?
Otherwise, extreme future abuses against Christians are coming. Christians are discharged from the military for religious exemptions surrounding vaccines now, while medical exemptions are honored. More job losses, small business bankruptcies, and children taken away from Christian parents are coming. Expect new definitions of “child abuse” by militant, secular, godless, deceived, and lying tyrannical bureaucrats, claiming to protect us. They are coming for those who forget That Other Jesus, who is the truth that will set us free.
The Holy Scripture’s missed applications are connected to many “Christians” misunderstanding of salvation’s full requirements. Shockingly, many “Christians” don’t even know they are lost! Practical scriptural advice on the “public” school challenge and help for struggling broken families in crisis of affairs and divorces are also given. It’s time for another Great Awakening, but will Christians do the necessary work Paul via the Holy Spirit (including Christ) advised for self-examination, repentance, and full obedience to Christ as revealed in both Old and New Testaments?
That Other Jesus motivates serious rethinking of our spirituality and its application to America’s growing problems with the family, society, education, government, and politics.
Sampling of Topics Addressed:
- Why is Sin So Bad If No One is Hurt?
- Our Popular Theology on Sinning
- When God Spoke on Public Policy Issues and Sins
- Answers to Objections Like:
* God does not intend to reform the world via political activism.
* If God’s in control, why should I get involved?
* We’re living in the last days, and things are supposed to get bad.
Science on covid and vaccines are censored. Election fraud / crimes are censored. Scientific evidence for God has been censored for decades in our “public” schools, which is the foundation of a militant, socialistic-leaning, godless culture. But scientific-based FACTS are available now!
Share and Live Free!
Passive to lies, freedom dies & wealth dives!
100% of book profits are planned for the legal defense of American ministers and people-of-faith who have or will suffer for their faith.